I am not Marie Kondo (or Martha Stewart). My goal is not to persuade you to get rid of two thirds of your shirts or to toss every family photo you have been hanging onto. I will not suggest that you store all your handbags in one particular place, just because it “makes sense.” And I won’t talk you into buying a bunch of expensive, perfect-looking storage bins.

I’m a professional organizer, and I’m here to help you deal with YOUR clutter YOUR way so that YOUR space – corner, closet, bedroom, basement, garage, home – works for YOU. I will help you understand why and how you accumulate items you don’t really want, and how to get rid of them (optimally in a way that makes the community a bit better).

My only ground rule: no one is allowed to feel guilt or shame. We all have clutter, and we could all improve our organization. You’re now taking a step to make that happen, so pat yourself on the back! (Then call me.)


Your decluttering goals might range from a “messy corner” or closet that has long been driving you crazy to a garage where you can no longer park your car. Or it might involve a top-to-bottom need for organization, whether that’s because you plan to stay for many more years and want a home that finally works for you, or because you’re downsizing and don’t want to move all the stuff you don’t really want.

Whatever your project needs are, Declutter For Good can meet them. It starts with a painless, no-shame, no-cost Zoom consultation, so reach out via email or phone!


Accumulating inherited furniture and artwork that you don’t know what to do with? Buying household items that there are already multiples of in different parts of the house? Moving all the clutter off of the dining room table right before guests come over? Missing deadlines and paying late fees due to piles of unopened/old mail and bills? 

You are not alone. These are all common clutter-related issues that I tackle.